Well, it is finally here!
After an amazing year of spectacular historical fiction, the results are in and the winner of the 2022 HFC Book of the Year announced in the following video!
Thank you to everyone who entered the contest, and thank you for the support of The Historical Fiction Company and Club - I created this website out of my love for historical fiction and my desire to support this community of aspiring writers, authors, and readers, and it is because of you that this contest and the website continues to thrive and grow.
We are looking to expand even more this next year, with a boost in the contest prize, as well as some other new features... and yes, hopefully a Historical Fiction Company writer's retreat!!
Our goal is to eventually have a award's banquet sponsored by some amazing corporate sponsors, so keep checking back to see the progress on this front.
The 2023 Contest is now open for submissions, and we are already seeing some fabulous new books! And yes, we have a special announcement at the end of the video, so stay tuned!!