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A Mighty Clash Between the Roman Empire and the Visigoths - an Editorial Review of "Tears of the Aeon"

Book Blurb:

In the crucible of history, where the flames of empires clash, and the destinies of civilizations are forged, there exists a chapter often overlooked—a tale obscured by the dust of ages. It is a saga of untamed lands, ancient conflicts, and beings whose destinies were bound to the cosmic threads of gods and mortals alike. Within the shadows of the Roman Empire, during the fateful year of 376 AD, a narrative unfolded that would echo through the corridors of time, leaving behind a legacy woven with threads of love, war, and the supernatural. "Tears of The Aeon: The Gothic War" unravels against the setting of a world grappling with the chaos of an impending conflict between the mighty Roman Empire and the desperate Visigoths led by the enigmatic Chieftain Fritigern. Faced with the dual threats of the Roman legions and the merciless Huns, Fritigern makes a desperate plea to Emperor Valens for sanctuary within the borders of the empire. This plea sets in motion a series of events destined to reshape the fate of nations. A warrior, blessed with strength and abilities that defy the laws of men, embarks on a journey marked by love, and destined to attract the gaze of gods. Bound by an inexplicable connection, he finds himself entangled with a young Gothic woman from the Taifali Tribe, their union becoming a focal point for the unfolding cosmic drama. As the gods themselves take notice, the stage is set for the initiation of the end of the world. "Tears of The Aeon" invites you to traverse the realms of history and myth, where the fates of empires and the whims of divine beings converge in a tale of love, war, and the enduring echoes of an age-long past. In the shadows of forgotten forests, where the tears of the Aeon fall like rain, the Gothic War awaits its chronicler.

Author Bio:

R. F. Pina is a man whose journey from a childhood allergy to literature to a passionate embrace of its power reflects a profound transformation. Born in the Dominican Republic, his life took a pivotal turn when he relocated to Queens, New York, at fourteen. Here, he discovered his gateway to imagination and creativity through the captivating world of comic books.

Initially resistant to the allure of literature, R. F. Pina’s perspective shifted gradually over time. As he delved deeper into the pages of books, he found a boundless realm where his imagination could soar unrestricted. Unlike the passive experience of television, literature offered him an active engagement, where he could shape narratives and explore the depths of his creativity.

This newfound appreciation for literature became a cornerstone of R. F. Pina’s life, providing him solace, inspiration, and a sense of purpose. As he navigated the complexities of adulthood as a husband and father of four, literature remained a steadfast companion, offering him refuge from the monotony of everyday life.

Driven by a desire for something more enduring than fleeting moments of entertainment, R. F. Pina recognized the potential of literature to bestow immortality upon its creators. With this revelation, he embarked on a journey to carve out his legacy through the written word, determined to leave a mark on the world that would outlast his mortal existence.

Today, R. F. Pina stands as a testament to the transformative power of literature, embracing its ability to transcend boundaries, ignite imaginations, and immortalize the human experience. Through his words, he seeks to entertain and inspire, leaving behind a legacy that will continue to resonate for generations to come.

Editorial Review:

Cherry pie was what he ate on that very morrow, breaking his fast the same way he did a fortnight ago. Goat milk with honey and a portion of cherry pie - a hot, sweet, and tender combination. The taste reminded him of his youth and his dear mother. He loved her more than any riches and plunders he had obtained throughout the years. Although he did not exactly remember how young he was when the gods took her from him, he did know that a long time had passed.”

“Tears of the Aeon” by RF Pina is set in the Gothic War, during 376 AD, immersing the reader in events that are both based in history and in supernatural legend. The characters include iconic historical figures such as Emperor Valens and Chieftain Fritigern, and those familiar with the era will revel in the personalities, historical events, wars and intrigue being brought to life in vivid detail within the pages of this novel. Those who are less familiar with this pivotal time in history will swiftly become ardent fans of all things Roman (and Goth) as the chapters pass and ancient times leap from each page.

But this novel is far more than a mere history lesson. Not satisfied with writing an epic based around an era he is clearly passionate about, Pina has gone one better and delved into the personalities of the main characters, which gives the Gothic War a human dimension that is immediately relatable, despite the passage of time. The addition of the supernatural aspects of the plot make this a complex novel with several layers, including historical context, military action, personal challenges, and unearthly superstition.

The old man donned a black breastplate that did not shine under the moonlight, with glowing wrought, golden markings adorning its breast of a language no mortal knew and a long black cape extending to his back, touching his heels. The old man’s armor was as black as the darkest night, contrasting with his silver hair that flooded his back like a waterfall. At a closer glance, it appeared as if his armor and cape were alive, part of the old man’s own immortal flesh. This time, the old man did not look frail at all, as the General remembered, not even as old either. However, somehow, he knew it was the old man he once pitied.”

The prologue is haunting; the known outcome will still be shocking and confronting to the reader. Again, what could be a history lesson is given a poignant human dimension through the author’s convincing depiction of personalities and motivations. The substantive story is divided into the perspectives of different characters, allowing Pina to describe the times of the novel through several different voices and viewpoints. Each of the characters are equally compelling.

It’s a lengthy book (but then, so too was the Roman Empire!) and the narrative is detailed and gritty. The battle scenes are well-written – frankly, they are riveting – but also graphic, and show the reader the horrific cost of these cataclysmic wars that several would say changed the course of history. The many different stories woven into “Tears of the Aeon” will keep the committed reader engaged, however some may also feel that certain material could have been more concisely edited to provide a more focused storyline, rather than a weighty tome with so many different threads. 

The stakes for each character could not be higher, and they know it. The storyline is intense and absorbing – this is not the sort of book to read casually. is anything but a superficial story, or a mere tale of adventure. The author has created a complete world which immerses the reader in the Roman Empire and Gothic perspectives to the extent that putting down the book and returning to the modern world will be a shock!

Anger began to burn within the chieftain’s veins, and stood before his men. In his right hand, Vidumavi held his longsword and with his left, his round shield. When the first wave of men came, the chieftain uttered his battle cry with all his lungs and dashed into them. With his sword, he slashed one of them, slaying him instantly, and struck another one with his shield. One man threw a slash at Vidumavi, landing it in his shoulder, but this did not hurt him in the least. The bearskin protected him. The chieftain shoved the tip of his longsword into his breast, so a torrent of blood spilled out of his mouth like a fountain. Four men held him down while two more approached him, displaying their steels. As soon as the chieftain saw this, his blood boiled to its limit. He shook them off as if they were fleas, struck two with his shield, and threw his longsword at another, landing into his midriff and slaying him instantly.”


“Tears of the Aeon” by RF Pina is a compelling novel and a deeply emotional journey through omens, warfare and personal odyssey, set in the Gothic War. To his great credit, Pinta has brought historical figures and the times of the Roman Empire to life in a way that completely transports the reader to a momentous era in history. Beware the Ides of March…



"Tears of the Aeon” by RF Pina receives 4 ½ stars from The Historical Fiction Company


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Jose Nave
Jose Nave
2 days ago

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