Book Title: Esperanza’s Way
Series: The Seekers Series, Book 2
Author: Cindy Burkart Maynard
Publication Date: June 13, 2023
Publisher: Historium Press
Page Length: 262
Genre: Historical Fiction

Esperanza’s Way
by Cindy Burkart Maynard
Motivated by the memory of her mother dying in her arms, Esperanza resolves that she will one day walk the halls of the Scola Medica at Salerno and train to become a healer. Fate brought Amika, a talented herbalist, into her life and helped Esperanza take her first steps toward gaining the knowledge that would fulfill her dream. Unfortunately, a tragic accident forced Esperanza to flee Amika's home. Her journey toward finding the path to success is littered with stumbling blocks, some more difficult to avoid than she expected.
Buy Links:
Universal Link – Esperanza’s Way (Book 2): https://geni.us/YgDfm52
Universal Buy Link – Finding the Way (Book 1): https://geni.us/wr39lD7
Author Bio:

Cindy Burkart Maynard is passionate about history, and the natural world, a passion that adds rich detail and context to her historical fiction novels. Her characters come to life on the page as they portray what it was like to live in another time and place. She weaves compelling, dramatic stories based on strong characters facing daunting challenges. She has co-authored two nonfiction works about the Colorado Plateau and the Desert Southwest and contributed articles to Images and Colorado Life Magazines. She has been a Volunteer Naturalist for Boulder County for more than twenty years, and served as a Docent at the Sonora Arizona Desert Museum in Tucson, AZ. Awards: Colorado Authors League Award Winner for Western Literature
Women Writing the West Award Finalist WILLA Literary Award finalist for soft cover fiction.
Readers’ Favorite Five Star Author Winner of the Marie M. Irvine award for Literary Excellence
Professional Affiliations:
Historical Novel Society of North America
Lighthouse Writers
Women’s Fiction Writers Association
Colorado Authors League
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
Authors Guild

Social Media Links:
Publisher author page: https://www.thehistoricalfictioncompany.com/cindy-burkart-maynard
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lgmtbird
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cmaynardre/
Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Cindy-Maynard/author/B07NLKS41B
Book Excerpt:
A mangle-eared mutt cocked his head toward the sky sniffing the breeze, sensing the approaching storm. The dog lowered its head, hunched its shoulders, and sidled into an alley. Aconcussive boom tore the clouds open, and torrents of rain sluiced over thestone-built town ofPonferrada. Up and down the street people scurried for shelter.“Amika, help me haul this table up against the wall out of the rain.”Gabriela, stocky though shewas, struggled to muscle a heavy oak table under the covered walkway thatlined the street.The two women were fortunate their apothecary shop lay along the ancient pilgrimage route, theCamino Santiago de Compostela. Road-weary pilgrims, always in need of remedies to assuagetheir aches and injuries, walked past their shop every day.“I'll be right there,”Amika propped her broom against the wall. Like the dog, she turned aweather eye to the skies. This rain is going to be hard enough to drown fishes, she thought.“Esperanza, take these jars and bottles inside.”A waif-likegirl scooped their wares into a well-worn wicker basket. Her serious demeanor andsmall size belied her twelve years.Inside their stone house on the ancient cobblestone street, an apothecary cabinet, burnished byage to a rich mahogany patina, dominatedthe room. An intricate warren of compartments and 11drawers held ointments, elixirs, and infusions. Bundles of herbs hung upside down from theceiling. A symphony of spicy, citrusy, fruity, and minty smells harmonized like a fragrantorchestra.When customers entered and inhaled the aroma, their spirits lightened, buoyed by the aromas ofnature. With their wares safely inside, the three companions settled on a bench, warmingthemselves before a capacious open hearth.
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Thank you for hosting Cindy Burkart Maynard with such an enticing excerpt from Esperanza's Way today! Cathie xo
The Coffee Pot Book Club