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For Fans of of the Epic Movie Gladiator - an Editorial Review of "Empire Resurgent"

Book Blurb:

For fans of the Gladiator! Flavius Belisariusis a man' s man, a young and brilliant general who stands out amongst the other tyrannical and conniving men in his class. Unlike the others, he seeks the glory and restoration of Rome and needs little for himself. Or so he thought. All at once, he is enamored by a startlingly beautiful and famously promiscuous woman, Antonina. Despite his awkwardness around women, he wins her heart. But her heart does not stay in the same place for too long. Belisarius is called upon to reconquer an ancient Roman colony. Fueled by the greatness of his mission, he completely loses sight of his wife, until he finds her in the enemy' s cellar tangled in the arms of another man. The scene is more wretched, gorier than any he had seen on the battlefield. And it is one that he cannot shake. Will the great man of Rome, Belisarius General of the East, buckle under a broken heart? Or will he have the courage to stand, even wounded?

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Editorial Review:

"Empire Resurgent," signed by Robert Bruton, unveils a captivating story set in the year 530

AD, as the Eastern Roman Empire, led by Emperor Justinian, flourishes. The narrative

primarily follows the life of General Flavius Belisarius, a man of honor and skill in the art of

war, as he navigates through the complexities of war, love, and loyalty.

The story begins with Belisarius achieving a remarkable victory against the feared Persian

army, marking a turning point for Rome. As the tale unfolds, we witness the peaks and

valleys of Belisarius's military career, his triumphs in Persia and Constantinople, and his

subsequent mission to reclaim the lost lands of North Africa.

Character development is rich, especially in the portrayal of Belisarius and his wife,

Antonina. The author skillfully blends a narrative that explores the personal struggles of the

characters, combining historical accuracy with a touch of fiction. The dynamics between

Belisarius and Antonina, their marriage, and the challenges they face form a central aspect,

adding depth and emotion to the storytelling.

Despite long odds and underpaid troops, Belisarius wins territory after territory for his Emperor. His reputation builds, even as his wife’s indiscretion tears it down. Despite the admiration of the Roman people, Belisarius yearns only for a simple existence and the fidelity of his beloved wife.”

The historical backdrop is vividly depicted, offering readers a glimpse into the burgeoning

Eastern Roman Empire. The author's reliance on historical documents, particularly Procopius

of Caesarea, is evident in the meticulous detailing of events. The inclusion of Empress

Theodora and the exploration of the roles of ambitious women in the Roman Era further

enrich the story.

The author skillfully integrates elements from the poem of „T.S. Eliot used in his epic poem,

The Wasteland. In addition, I have used references from the treasuries of Sacred Scripture, patristic writings, Roman philosophy, world literature, and even modern cinema and music to illuminate the course of events and characters”.

This eclectic approach enriches the narrative and provides a broader context to the events in the story. The book reveals new dramatic twists in the life of General Flavius Belisarius during the

conflicts that took place at the Roman Fortress of Dara, near the border with Persia, on the

days of June 27 and 28, 530 AD. After a restless night, Belisarius wakes up in the early hours

of June 27, preparing for a crucial duel with a formidable Persian warrior. The atmosphere is

tense, and the biblical verse from I Samuel 17:45-47, quoted by Belisarius, fortifies his

resolve in the face of the challenge:

You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day, the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down and cut off

your head…. The battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hand.”

Belisarius fiercely defends Dara against the Persians, influencing his fate. The story peaks in

the Battle of Dara and Belisarius's unsettling dreams. He skillfully handles Persian forces,

facing challenges in the Battle of Callinicum in 531 AD, expressing frustration. The book

emphasizes loss and duty to fallen comrades, with Belisarius pledging to honor their memory.

Uncertainty and fear grip Constantinople, and the troubling dreams of Theodora darken the

already tense atmosphere. With her vulnerable appearance, Theodora proves determined and

capable of handling the lurking dangers within the palace. In her effort to protect her husband

and the empire, she initiates secret actions and surprising alliances. Robert Bruton skillfully

captures the fragility and strength of Theodora's character in these critical moments.

The revolt in Constantinople, detailed by the author, becomes catastrophic, highlighting the

desperation and anger of the masses. Justinian faces difficult decisions, and his relationship

with Theodora reaches a tense moment, emphasizing the complexity of the imperial couple.

Despite Empress Theodora's efforts, the revolt flourishes, and Constantinople becomes the

scene of uncontrollable chaos.

Author Robert Bruton brings forth complex characters, moral dilemmas, and dramatic events

that shape the destiny of the empire ruled by Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora.

Amidst the chaos of the revolts, Belisarius and Mundus are assigned seemingly immoral tasks

and express remorse about the direction the empire is taking under the strong influence of the

empress. Procopius observes abrupt changes in the emperor's attitude and the court,

highlighting the influential power of Empress Theodora. She becomes a crucial force in

maintaining stability and order.

As the revolt in Constantinople reaches its climax, Belisarius is faced with impossible

decisions, while chaos engulfs the city. Scenes of violence and destruction are vividly

described, and the author skillfully captures the moral conflicts of the characters, offering

readers a glimpse into a perilous and complicated imperial world.

Dramatic episodes unfold one after another, from the brutal assault on Hypatius's throne to

Belisarius's discovery of his wife, Antonina, amidst the chaos. The author successfully

creates a tense and captivating atmosphere, where tragic events and moments of courage

define the characters' fates.

Robert Bruton adeptly integrates philosophical and literary quotes that add layers of

understanding to the themes addressed in the book. The use of excerpts from the works of

Woodrow Wilson, W.B. Yeats, Herman Melville, and others contribute to highlighting the

moral and existential aspects of the story.

Technically, the author maintains a captivating pace, blending action moments with character

reflections. The story unfolds smoothly, and historical details are skillfully woven into the

engaging narrative.

The text then takes the reader to the battlefield at Ad Decimum, where Roman forces

confront the Vandals in an epochal battle. Vividly colored details about the luxury of the

Vandals and the contrast with the harsh conditions of the Roman army under Belisarius create

a fascinating tableau of the era.

The description of John Armenius and his battle strategies adds an element of suspense and

professionalism in the midst of the chaos on the battlefield:

John loved ridges and knew how to use them to hide his cavalry movements from the enemy even as he tracked their movements. The gentle hills still offered green grass to his horses and abundant fruit trees on abandoned orchards. His horses and men had been waiting for the Vandal garrison to emerge from the roads leading to Carthage. After several hours of hiding under the tree canopy from the dehydrating heat, the Vandals finally appeared. They were a magnificent host: tall, handsome men with long, flowing blond hair wearing spotless armor that sparkled in the morning sun. John looked at the armor of his men. It was 238 shiny but speckled with rust from three months on the humid sea. He thought about how easy it must be to maintain armor in a dry climate. Then he smiled to himself. Yes, how easy.”

The dialogue between Belisarius and John reveals the commander's concern for his friend's

fate and the plans to address tactical challenges. The battle, presented with all its horrors,

provides a detailed look into a crucial moment in history.

The text then shifts to Antonina's perspective, offering a glimpse into her private life and

emotional state. The description of her unease and loneliness, along with an anonymous

quote exploring the complexities of women's lives, adds a psychological and social

dimension. While Belisarius is engaged in the epic battle, his wife faces her own internal


The episode depicting Antonina's indiscretion discovery and her relationship with Theodosius

adds a dramatic element and interpersonal conflicts. The tension between Antonina and

Theodosius, as well as her strategies to keep the secret, provides a fascinating contrast to the

atmosphere on the battlefield.

As Belisarius triumphs and conquers, the text moves towards resolving the conflicts. The

outcome of the battle and its impact on King Gelimer are presented in a surprising and poetic

manner.The last chapter begins with a selected quote:

Vanity of vanities! All is vanity. What do people gain from all the toil At which they toil under the sun? I saw all the deeds that are done under the sun; And see, all is vanity and a chasing after wind.”( Ecclesiastes 1:2-3, 14).

The final chapter casts a glance upon Belisarius, now victorious, and his personal dilemmas,

thus casting a shadow of doubt over his triumph.

In conclusion, the historical epic "Empire Resurgent" provides a rich insight into the history

of the Eastern Roman Empire, skillfully blending fiction with historical facts. The review

emphasizes the captivating mix of action, political intrigue, and exploration of human


"Empire Resurgent" is a fascinating journey into the Byzantine era, bringing together action,

political intrigue, and the portrayal of characters' lives and struggles. Robert Bruton maintains

suspense and keeps readers engaged in this captivating read for history and epic enthusiasts.

The author adeptly combines historical and fictional elements, captivating readers with

complex characters and dramatic events. An exhilarating read for history and epic



“Empire Resurgent” by Robert Bruton receives four stars from The Historical Fiction Company


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