Book Blurb:
In the last decade before the ending of the period of time known as “B.C.”, Rassan, a privileged member of the Parthian military due to his late father, is sent to stop Headmaster Magi Vinda Farnah from entering Jerusalem. He comes across the Magi, near death from bandits. Vinda calls Rassan by name and tells him of an angelic appearance.
This sets in motion a series of events marked by betrayal, loyalty, great discovery, and many obstacles. Rassan gives up his power and privilege in the military to become an apprentice to the Magi. A beautiful woman and powerful treacherous enemies stand in Rassan and Vinda's way, will they be able to solve the puzzle of the Creator’s Champion and learn for themselves who this power is?
Guided by the hand of the Creator himself, the answer seems inevitable, but the hardships will be very real.
Magi Apprentice is historical fiction that will hold your attention and want you to keep reading right through to the end.
Join Rassan and Daraya-Vous today as they attempt to solve this great mystery!
Book Buy Link: https://geni.us/sqTQg8
Author Bio:

Dan Hendrickson was born in Sheridan Wyoming near the rustic Big Horn mountain range in 1962 to Carl and Helen Hendrickson. Dan went to school in the Sheridan School District graduating from Sheridan High School in 1981. He spent his athletic time participating in boxing, martial arts, wrestling and a little track. His father Carl owned a small eight lane bowling alley that he ran until Dan was 12 years old. After losing the business to the bank he was forced to go back to school and finish his masters in English. Dan picked up on his father’s love of the written word and enrolled in Casper Community College in 1982 majoring in journalism. Although he found that he had an aptitude for investigative reporting he decided that his desires lied in other areas. He went on to do much volunteer Christian ministry work throughout the United States most of his adult life and continues to pursue those endeavors to this day. During that time he gained another degree in Practical Theology and throughout his many ministry assignments work several secular jobs. Most notable were his auto detailing endeavors. He also has devoted a good portion of his life to studying the martial arts. He has black belts in 2 styles, Tang Soo Do, Tae Kwon Do, and a high brown belt in Han Foo Wa. He has instructed at martial arts schools off and on for over 20 years. He and his wife Cheryl have owned three different detailing businesses throughout the country the last of which they still run to this day. Recently he has returned to his passion of telling stories and has several books in the process of being published.
Editorial Review:
“Two gray-haired men in the sunset years of their lives stand in the middle of a large room that has deep blue tapestries as tall and wide as houses hanging from the ceiling three stories in height. In the center of the ceiling there is a domed window twenty feet wide and ten feet high, which allows the sunlight to ignite the sparkling silver-and-gold specks intricately woven into the tapestries depicting the twelve heavenly signs of the zodiac. It is the ornate halls of the Astronomical Sect of the Magi Temple of Babylon, once the mighty capital of the empire by that same name and now a major city of the Parthian Empire. Two masters of that sect continue their debate on a bold action one of them has decided to undertake.”
“Magi Apprentice” by Dan Hendrickson is a fascinating glimpse into the times Before Christ (also, Before Common Era) and is a spiritual tale based on the Bible, and the prophesied birth of Jesus. During the years immediately before the birth, a group of men sight the Star, and recognise its immense significance. The story focuses primarily on Rassan, who realizes he has a divine calling as a Magi Apprentice. He faces peril and challenges as he undertakes his own journey, traveling across empires and kingdoms to fulfil his purpose.
This reviewer was struck by the rich descriptiveness in all aspects of Hendrickson’s writing, and the detailed characterization of Rassan and others around him. But this review is meaningless without discussion of the Bible (meaningful passages are included in the narrative) and recognition of the compelling spiritual quest which is the focus of the entire novel. It is wonderful to read of Rassan, a man committed to his purpose and the journey he knows he must undertake. Astronomy also plays a significant role in the novel, and both celestial science and spirituality/religion are skilfully balanced throughout the story. It would be easy for such a book to focus only on the Bible in isolation, and as meaningful as that would be, Hendrickson goes further. Regardless of the reader’s level of familiarity with the Bible, the author has written an absorbing tale of ancient times, of bygone empires and societies that is totally gripping.
“Two young men practice their sword skills, one on the other, in the palace courtyard of His Royal Highness, Emperor Phraates IV, ruler of the second largest empire in the world. One is dressed simply as a senior cadet in the royal officers’ corps, but the other wears the distinguished princely apparel and a jeweled kufiya, marking him as the heir apparent to the Parthian throne. The prince, though a skilled swordsman, knows that the cadet, a very gifted fighter, is doing his best not to overwhelm him.”
The narrative is written in present tense, and it is though the reader is there, observing the action but with the benefit of knowing that the birth of Christ is approaching. “Magi Apprentice” is the ultimate journey plot with an incredibly significant goal. Hendrickson’s love of the era and passion for the subject shines through his writing. Rassan as a character is highly observant, and his intellect and resolve is obvious. His interactions with other characters, with senior advisors, with his peers, with others in the community, each give an insight into character. A senior advisor is described as reminding Rassan of “a dark raven” with a “pointed chin and…hawkish, dark eyes”, imagery which immediately paints a mental picture for the reader.
This is anything but a superficial story, or a mere tale of adventure. The characters, situations, and the overall stakes are intense throughout the narrative. There is complexity, which reflects the spiritual element and the way in which both science, religion and the personal and physical perils of such a journey are worked into the text. The author has created a complete world which immerses the reader in the times Before Christ. The reader – and Rassan – will need to keep their wits about them!
“As soon as he steps through the door, General Bozan confronts him with the bad news. “Headmaster, we have all been deceived. The maiden, Varaz, to whom Rassan has recently become officially betrothed, is still an active priestess in the Temple of Zarpanuta. We discovered this today when he accompanied me to a banquet held by General Barach. When Rassan and I arrived at the banquet hall, we found the general in a conversation with the high priestess. Rassan recognized that her aide was Varaz herself, dressed in the priestess’s robe—which, as you know, is forbidden to anyone but an active priestess in that order.”
The ending of “Magi Apprentice” will be deeply moving to all those who support Rassan and his quest. The Epilogue gives the reader, and certainly this reviewer, more reason for emotion as Rassan meets someone who is spiritually significant to him (and it’s not who the reader may expect!). Rassan’s personal and spiritual character arc is now complete. There is also detailed ancillary information included by the author, both before and after the narrative, for those who wish to further explore and celebrate the religious details in the novel.
“Magi Apprentice” by Dan Hendrickson is a detailed and absorbing novel that takes the reader on a momentous and spiritual journey through the times Before Christ. The religious aspect is integral to the novel, but is skilfully set alongside a range of other themes including astronomy, personal challenge and belief in one’s inner purpose. A wonderful and highly memorable voyage to ancient times!
"Magi Apprentice” by Dan Hendrickson receives 4 ½ stars from The Historical Fiction Company
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