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Henye Meyer

Henye Meyer

Mrs Meyer was born in Phoenixville, PA a long time ago and spent most of her youth in the local library. She now lives in Manchester, UK in a secluded house with thousands of books and a garden that attracts everything from newts to deer. She has a husband, children and grandchildren, and a sense of humor.

Other authors win prizes. Mrs Meyer has a special gene that ensures that if it looks like she's going to win something, they'll cancel the competition. She is still trying to change her heredity.

Despite the lack of awards, though, Mrs Meyer's books are extremely well-written, moving and entertaining, and earn five-star reviews.



Tim Soloff thrives on adrenalin. He needs it, too. His fiancé broke their engagement. His career is in a coma. He’s got an anti-Semitic boss who gives him the sure-to-fail assignments. (Sometimes he even pulls them off.) This time he has no information, no money, no backup — and everybody’s chasing him. When he joins a pop band as an undercover agent, he discovers there’s a lot more waiting for him than he bargained for — including his own religion.

Henye Meyer’s brilliant thriller may read like a parody but there's not a dull moment between the covers.

"A parody combining every thriller trope you've ever read…Fantastic chases…The bizarre cast of characters with their sarcastic humor…exotic, suspenseful, and hilariously fun." - Reviewer


"This was an action packed thriller. I really enjoyed it!" - Reviewer


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